Canada: candidature per l’incarico di Console Onorario a Milano.

L’ambasciata del Canada ha avviato un nuovo processo per la nomina di console onorario a Milano. La selezione si rivolge a persone ben inserite nel contesto economico-istituzionale milanese e con forti legami con il Canada. Si trasmette l’informativa dell’Ambasciata.

The Embassy of Canada is seeking candidacies for the position of Honorary Consul of Canada in Milan

This competition is part of a global effort by the Government of Canada to renew Honorary Consuls on a regular and transparent basis.  It applies to all Honorary Consuls for Canada around the world.  It therefore does not reflect in any way on the performance of current Honorary Consuls.

The Honorary Consul of Canada in Milan acts under the authority of the Ambassador of Canada to the Republic of Italy. He / she advises the Ambassador and embassy staff regarding regional issues that may be of interest to Canada; suggests and organizes activities or meetings to promote Canada's interests; supports the development of a network of business contacts, and business leads from those contacts, useful for Canadian business clients; provides administrative and logistical support for official visits, and is sometimes called upon to represent Canada at events. The Honorary Consul is required to maintain a storefront office and engage a full time assistant to provide consular services to a high volume of Canadians visiting or residing in northern Italy. The remuneration of an honorary consul is modest (an honorarium of $5,000 CAD per year); the appointment is for a period of three years and may be renewable. This appointment is subject to approval of Order-in-Council.

The ideal candidate should be sound financially, have no criminal record, have a strong reputation and be well established in the Milan area.  He / she should have excellent relations with local authorities, and maintain a strong professional network in business and government.  The candidate should be fluent in Italian, as well as English and/or French, and have a tangible link with Canada.  The candidate should also possess or present an available option for a suitable office in which to operate the Consulate (centrally located, accessible to consular clients during regular business hours).

Only those applicants who meet the requirements will be contacted by the selection committee for an interview or other form of assessment of the rated requirements. Note that the Government of Canada strives to respect diversity and gender balance in its appointments.

To read the full appointment notice, please visit this link.

If the relationship between Canada and Italy interests you deeply and you believe that you meet the profile described above, please send a letter of interest and Curriculum vitae to the following email address: no later than noon on January 19, 2018.

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[Thomas Edison]

Se stai leggendo questa frase significa che non stai navigando da qualche minuto e questa modalità di risparmio energetico ti permette di consumare meno quando sei inattivo.

Alle volte per fare bene basta un piccolo gesto: perché anche il poco, giorno dopo giorno, diventerà molto.

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